domingo, 28 de noviembre de 2010


I’m Julen, and today I would like to talk about immigration. Immigration has increased a lot, and some people think that this is a problem. Personally, I don’t think so. Immigration can have cons, but I think that generally it is always positive.

Immigration gives cultural diversity. We can learn from others cultures and that could give us the wealth we can’t obtain with money. Immigration could also promote our solidarity and empathy.

But immigration also has cons. Crowding is one of the disadvantages of immigration. People immigrating to another country could lead to crowding in that country. This country would use more resources and that would carry an imbalance of natural resources. Immigration may bring diseases from another country, and that is one of the problems we have to fight.

To sum up, I think immigration is good for our life. However, we have to control the crowding and the transfer of diseases.

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

My description

Welcome everybody! Today I’m going to talk about me. I know that descriptions are a bit dull, sorry, completely and absolutely dull but I will try to do it easy to read and funny. I said I will TRY, I’m not a comedian, don’t be confused. I’m getting to be dull, so let´s get started.

I live in the best town in the whole world, Zarautz. I am sorry if you are reading this and you are from other city, Zarautz is simply the best. Zarautz has a 3 km. beach with quite good waves.

Yes, fortunately I live in Zarautz and I’m 17 years old. I love swimming, actually, I do it everyday, from Monday to Friday. I am in a team, and I have good friends there. I also love surfing and everything that it is done in the water. Therefore, people often tell me that I am a fish or something.

To continue, I like to be with stupid people to do and say stupid things that make laugh me till I cant breathe. I am stupid, the world is stupid. I love to laugh about silly things, things that don’t have any sense. I really love watching films, and my favourite film is “Chaos”. The main character is the one that appears in “transporter”, I don’t know his name, but I don’t care. My favourite actor is Rowan Atkinson, he is the single person in the world that makes me laugh with a little move of his face.

That is my description. If you want to visit the best town with the most stupid boy, just come and meet one of my brothers.

domingo, 17 de octubre de 2010

I am not ready

I am seventeen, so next year I will be able to vote. Nevertheless, I have decided not to vote, because I think I am not ready to do it. I don’t know very much about parties, left and right wing’s ideologies…

I know that politics are very important in our life, because in someway, we depend on them, and they depend on us. We live in a democracy, the best way of living nowadays. But democracy means that we can vote to choose the government we want. There is the problem; I don’t know who vote for.

All the parties spend the 70% of they money on campaigns. They give out pretty election posters, with ingenious slogans in order to persuade people. I don’t want to be one of them. It seems that always wins the party that spends more money on the campaign, are we so easy to persuade?

Yes, I think so. We are being persuaded all the time. The advertisements are an example of that. Because of that reason, I have decided not to vote until I am ready, or I think I am ready not to be persuaded.

domingo, 19 de septiembre de 2010


It was the night of 24th December. I was very nervous, I wanted to open the box and see what I asked, a Game Boy Advance SP. I opened the box thinking that it was a watch, but it wasn’t! I was astonished.

Every 24th of December all kids sing Christmas carols home by home, and they get money for it. My brother used to go to great lengths to get a lot of money. I was a bit ashamed of singing to strangers, so I used to do it half- heartedly. My brother used to get one hundred euros, and me, I had never got more than forty five.

That 24th I woke up thinking that I was going to do the same of all 24th of December: sing a bit and get my thirty euros. When I was having breakfast, my mother told me: I know that you want the new Game Boy, but you will have to get eighty euros if you want to receive it. I felt disappointed, why did my mother wanted me to get eighty euros? That day I struggled to get that amount of money, but I only got sixty. I hadn’t get eighty, so I knew I wasn’t going to be given the Game Boy.

Unexpectedly, I received it, why? I think because my mother saw that I really struggled to get that amount of money. My mother didn’t want me to get eighty euros, she wanted to see me fighting to get what I wanted, that’s why I received the present.

domingo, 25 de abril de 2010


Hello everybody, this time I would like to write about the European Union. The European Union (EU) is an economic and political union of 27 member countries, located primarily in Europe. Committed to regional integration, the EU was established by the Treaty of Maastricht on 1 November 1993 upon the foundations of the European Communities. I didn’t know all that, but I have just found it in wikipedia. But what means Europe for teenagers?

Europe has a lot of advantages for us. There is a programme called Erasmus. Erasmus is a student exchange programme established in 1987. Erasmus is a great opportunity to go to other countries and learn those cultures. We can also meet people for other countries, learn other languages… the only disadvantage I find is that you can travel with the programme only the last year of your career.

Finally, I think the European Union is a big advance to a world of peace and tolerance. The frontiers between countries have fall down, we can help countries that have sunk in black holes, like Greece or Spain; and the most important, we can learn and learn to tolerate other cultures. Thanks for reading, until next time.

domingo, 7 de marzo de 2010


I am here again. This time I would like (I must) to talk about death. In our society death is a taboo; people don’t like to talk about death, but why? What happens after death?

We all know that we will die one day, but in my case, for example, I am not thinking all the time that I will die. I have a friend, I won’t say his name, who has not accepted that he will die, and when he was a child he couldn’t sleep. He has grown but he has not accepted it yet. When I talk to him he always asks me: how do you cope with death?

I don’t know, simply, I don’t think about that. I know that death is far away, I wish; and I think that when something is far away, it doesn’t bother us. For example, we all know that we will marry someone (I also wish), but I don’t think about that all the nights. We have to learn to cope with death, having a little bit of fear, obviously, but without getting obsessed. I don’t when and who said: carpe diem, enjoy the moment. This is my message. Until next time.

domingo, 28 de febrero de 2010

Fail video

This is a video that shows Edgar’s failures. Fails are an acts or instances of failing or proving unsuccessful. The first fail is about when you are on stage. You must be careful if you don’t want to do a big fail. It is very important to control your movements, an advice: don’t jump to the crowd…

The second fail is about the risk of being stolen in the street. If you have something you value very much, don’t be silly and hide it, unless you want to be stolen. I know that the short video about fails is a little bit bad, but I have uploaded three fail images to help. I can only say to enjoy the video, until next time.


domingo, 24 de enero de 2010


Alcohol is drug that works directly on the central nervous system. The liver can be damaged, and takes a few days to recover. But in teenagers alcohol is still more dangerous than in adults. Our bodies are growing and our organs have not been developed, and in this case alcohol can damage our organs for the whole life.

Almost all the teenagers are social drinkers; I don’t know any teenager who drinks everyday, this would be a weird thing. In social drinkers there are two groups: moderate social drinkers (MSD) and obsessive social drinkers (OSD). MSD tend to drink until they are a bit drunk, and then they stop; but OSD drink and drink and drink until the bottle is empty.

OSD are not ashamed of anything: they start to sing, to dance ridiculously… and the problem with OSD is that you become ashamed of him, and the only thing you want to do is to escape of that hell.

In the other hand are the MSD. MSD are teenagers who you can be with, without fear of being ashamed. They do silly things, but always inside a limit.

To sum up, be a MSD, no an OSD, it is better for you and for your friends. I know that because I have been a sober guy, after an OSD and now I am a MSD, I think. Until next time.

sábado, 16 de enero de 2010

what is in?

I am here again! This time I am going to talk about what is in (fashionable) and out nowadays. But what is fashion?

Fashion is something, such as a garment, that is in the current mode. To some, fashion is an art form. To others, it is almost a religion. But for most people it is a method of using clothing, accessories and hair to show or hide something about yourself. You can use fashion to express yourself, to serve as an extension of your personality: Goth, skater...Or you can use fashion to disguise your true self.

It is not necessary to be very intelligent to know what is in. If something is in, almost all the people would have it, like ipods or phones with touch screen. Mobile phones with large capacities for music and good cameras are hot, or portable devices that can connect to the internet with wi-fi, for example, itouch. To finish, I think that the portable computers are very in.

To continue, anything with wires is out. Those phones with black and white screens are very out, or potato phones. I am not telling you what is fashionable in clothes because I don’t know anything about it.

To sum up, and in my opinion, I think that almost all the devices that important companies are launching are in, due to advertising, maybe? I see you off.